Ordered the Antique Silver 35 Millimeters size. Pictures below for reference. The Antique silver finish gives off a nice worn look to the pendant, bringing out the detail. Pendant arrived with a few white spots (perhaps intentionally), but it adds to the worn look and shouldn’t be a concern after using a soft white eraser. The creators should maybe consider removing the branding on the back, along with turning the letters/numbers right side up and adding them to both sides of the pendant (even if it isn’t technically accurate to the source material), because it was confusing to see at first, thinking it might’ve been a mistake. Overall a very nice piece! Took about 2 weeks to ship from ordering.
Ordered the Sterling Silver 40 Millimeters size. Picture below for reference. Not sure if the tip of the sword is supposed to be as close together as it arrived but it doesn’t bother me. Might be concerned with how pointed/sharp the tip is but that that is just the nature of the source material. Took about 2 weeks to ship from ordering. Overall a very nice piece that shimmers in light wonderfully!
I ordered these and they look great!! They had a faint smell of metal which I’ve never had with silver but it did go away shortly after. I’ve been wearing these and I love them! They are heavy, if you’re not used to heavy jewelry I would suggest wearing them a couple hours at a time. For me though, I am wearing them as an everyday look and I have no issues! What I love most about them is that they are lowkey, a person walking by wouldn’t know it’s from a manga/anime unless they were part of the fandom. That’s my favorite kind of merch!
Small critique I do have is I would have liked better packaging than what I received :/ Considering I ordered these custom before the release, I would have appreciated a more personalized package.
husband loves it, perfect fit, loves the detail